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Tibetan Sacred Paintings

When you adorn your space with Thangkas, you invite a sense of sacred energy into your surroundings. These intricate artworks not only hold aesthetic value but also possess a deeper significance. By displaying Thangkas, you extend an invitation to spiritual energies, creating an atmosphere of reverence and connection.


Five Djamballa Thangkas: Abundance of Income

  • These representation attract sources of income. The essence of Djamballa, resonates with financial prosperity. Displaying these Thangkas is considered an act of inviting financial well-being and abundance in your life.


Twenty-One Tarra Thangkas: Solution to Life’s Challenges

  • Twenty-One Tarra Thangkas got you covered in all aspects of your life. This Thangka will help you find solutions to any kind of problems you may face.


Buddha Statues versus Thangkas

  • Thangkas have an advantage in terms of maintenance because they are easier to take care of. On the other hand, Buddha statues need a lot of attention to prevent unintentional disrespect.

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