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Dharma Deeds

Dharma deeds are based in the Sutra; otherwise known as the teachings of Buddha. There are varieties of Dharma deeds, some of which are in the form of rituals done by monks in a monastery. Individuals can participate in these rituals given that the materials and resources needed for the rituals are provided by the requestor.


Dharma deeds, in return, give back to the participants through good karma. Unlike simple and usual good deeds, each action in the Dharma deeds could be multiplied based on the number of the members of the Sangha. For example, a person participated in a ritual with a Sangha that consists of 10 people and donated 1000 pesos, that act will then return tenfold to the participants since there are 10 people in the Sangha.


This is why Dharma deeds are very powerful. Some people have poor wealth destiny based on their charts, yet they are nonetheless able to accumulate fortune. How? Through Dharma actions. They amass all of these virtues, and then the days arrive when favors fall down on them.


Helping others will still deliver you blessings and good karma, but if those rewards are only shared among a few individuals, it will be tough to reclaim them. For example, if you were given10,000 pesos, and you would then give half of it to your mother and keep the other half for yourself. You should now hope to reclaim that blessing, either through your tedious labor or through your mother.


On the other hand, if you have allocated 4,500 pesos to your mother and 4,500 pesos to yourself, while the remaining 1,000 pesos goes toa donation where individuals beyond your zone are helped, you will one day wonder where the blessings are coming from. One day, when a person has finally reached their success, giving will already be part of their system. As they share what they have, they continue to receive more without even realizing it.

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