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Are Blessings Infinite?

Halting the Flow of Blessings:

A Shift in Perspective If you’ve ever experienced a stagnation of blessings in your life, it could be attributed to a lack of creating blessings for others. As the pandemic unfolded, many of us found ourselves trapped in a negative state, gripped by the fear of losing everything we hold dear. Consequently, our inclination to give generously diminished as we entered survival mode. However, it is during such challenging times that the concept of puja gains significance. By engaging in these rituals, we partake in a dharma deed that extends help and compassion to countless sentient beings. In turn, we accumulate substantial positive karma, inviting a multitude of blessings into our lives.


By recognizing the interconnection between our own blessings and the act of giving, we can restore the flow of abundance in our lives. As we embark on the path of puja and embrace the virtuous cycle of giving, we awaken the dormant potential for blessings to pour into our existence, elevating not only our own well-being but also the collective consciousness of the world around us.

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