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Understanding the Element of Wealth

Period 8: Yang Earth (2004-2023) The current period, known as Period 8, spans from 2004 to 2023. In feng shui, this period is associated with the element of yang earth, symbolized by a mountain. The mountain represents structure and a strong foundation. During this period, it is believed that building wealth requires a solid foundation, much like a mountain. Many people found success by climbing the corporate ladder, emphasizing the importance of a strong structure. However, two years ago, in 2020, a significant transition began with the arrival of the Covid pandemic, disrupting our lives and forcing us to adapt.


Preparing for Period 9: Fire (2024-2043) As we look ahead to the upcoming period, Period 9 (2024-2043), we have an opportunity to prepare for what lies ahead. In this period, the element of wealth is fire. In feng shui, fire is characterized by its lack of structure, unlike earth. It is important to note that fire can bring both benefits and risks. Understanding fire is key to harnessing its potential. Fire can provide light, heat, and energy, offering favorable outcomes if anticipated and comprehended. However, accidental or unexpected fires can lead to tragedy and danger. It is worth noting that fire can be created, but one must learn its mechanics as it cannot be conjured out of thin air.

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