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Health Sungkor

Health is wealth. Most people of today’s times give importance to money without knowing that our health should be our top priority. But, with inflation and with unbelievable price tags, who could blame them? To be able to take care of ourselves, we need to have money. In order to obtain money, we need to use our physical capabilities. If our bodies cannot handle having to work, then it will be very tough for us. Luckily for us, we have something that can aid our health if we are experiencing sickness.


What is a Sungkor and what is a Health Sungkor? A Sungkor is a Tibetan Buddhist amulet that shields your area and everyone in it from negative disruptions, aggressive behavior, malicious intent, and detrimental influences. A Health Sungkor works well with people who have illness hence its name. It cures an existing ailments by slowly rehabilitating it and removing it from one’s physical body.


Can you use it before a medical examination? It isn’t tested yet but you can try wearing your Health Sungkor before an executive check-up. Although it is advised to wear it after you’ve done your check-up and find something in your body that isn’t supposed to be there, it would probably work by wearing it before, too. There is no known harm in trying it.

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